
Student Success: Janine Reeves – Solo Exhibition

Summer 2012 and 2014 alumna Janine Reeves is currently exhibiting her latest work in Trastevere in a three month solo exhibition entitled Colour Explosion – A night of Art with Janine Reeves.
We spoke to Janine shortly after the show opened to find out more.
Janine, Tell us about the show
The focus of the exhibition is on watercolours which are of Rome and London: They are abstract and very colourful, full of energy which is how I paint as a colourist. The exhibition will run for 3 months. I have sold 6 paintings to date, and as a result of this I have been asked to do another exhibition for a grand business opening on 5th December this year.
What do you like about working in various mediums? 
I particularly like working with water colour because of the fluidity and flexibility it produces, however once applied you are of course committed! My other work centres mainly on acrylic and ink work, I often mix the medias and in particular I like to layer paints thinly to create depth and variety.
My work has been inspired by Kandinsky and Hockney as well as the sculpture of Henry Moore and the classical art work of antiquity, which is what makes Rome so special in my heart.
What was the inspiration behind this particular collection of work and do you have a favourite piece?
This particular collection of work was created to reflect my love of Rome , its history, intrigue and its integration to modern day life. My favourite piece is a colour study of a piece of work by Caravagggio.
Do you feel that your work as changed or developed in any way since attending the Rome Art Program?
The Rome Art Program has taught me so much, but in particular it has given me the confidence to explore and experiment and simplify my work. There are of course protocols but  I like to push the boundaries and find my own direction.
One thing I have definitely learned is that you never stop being inspired and influenced by others, your art evolves our time and changes – it is such an integral part of who you are as an individual – so when someone loves your work it is such a compliment on an intimate level as a reflection of yourself.
What’s next for Janine?
Myself and three other students from this years Rome Art Program (Donna Leighton, Ryan Bentzinger and Nick Curnow) were selected to be represented by the Ulisse Gallery in Rome for a year. Unfortunately nothing has transpired from this, however it has led me to work with the same group; in particular Donna and Ryan to organise a showing in London and possibly a follow-up show in Chicago next year.
I am also working on finding a gallery here in Rome so that we can do a group exhibition; each of our work is different so it will compliment each other as well as allowing us to continue to learn from each other.


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Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I