
Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (Week 4)

Over the past few weeks Summer 2015 student Samantha Sanders has been reflecting on her experiences on the program. These are her thoughts on the final week…

By the last week with the Rome Art Program I was sad. Sad to be leaving my new friends, Rome and endless days of art making. I spent 27 days making art. How many people can say they’ve made at least 5 pieces of art everyday for a whole month? I’ve been in college going on four years now and I’ve never done anything that intense; I brought and entire portfolio home filled with art and that alone is one of the things I’m most proud of.

I enjoyed my time on the program; there’s something magical about being outside all day in the sun, sitting on a Roman ruin painting what is before you and being able to connect with it on a level you thought you could never reach. As an artist you’re always pushing yourself to do better, to see better and to understand better. The Rome Art Program enhanced all those things for me.

Am I going to miss those endless blue skies? Am I going to miss the fountains, the coffee bars and pasta? Am I going to miss being able to sit with a friend in St. Peters Square at 11 o’clock in the evening and eat gelato? Yes! Yes I am.

Rome is a huge place, full of cobble stone streets, people racing off subways and vibrant yellow buildings. I spent one month in Rome and that wasn’t long enough. Just as you get comfortable with it you end up leaving. I hope to return one day, I still have more to explore there, artistically and physically.

Thank you to the teachers and to Rome, you’ve made me grow as an artist and person. And to those going into the program for the month of July or thinking about going: it’s a great experience. When it’s over you’ll be surprised at how much it’s done for you.

Best of luck!

Samantha Saunders, Summer 2015

If you have missed previous instalments of Samantha’s experiences in Rome, you can find them here, here and here.

Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I