
Interview with Rhiannon R. Salisbury – 2012 RAP Alumna


Interview with Rhiannon R. Salisbury – 2012 RAP Alumna

Born in: London. Lives in: London.
Career Ambition: Never stop painting.
Instagram: rhiannon_r_salisbury
Don’t miss show: Darbyshire Award for Emerging Art 2018
featuring work Rhiannon Rebecca Salisbury.
Viewing by appointment 6 December 2018 to 6 March 2019
19-23 White Lion Street, London, N1 9PD

1. Who or what inspires your creative urges?
Restlessness is often a motivational factor behind a creative urge. When my mind is really busy, painting helps me to focus and expel thoughts. Alternatively, if I need a creative push because I don’t have a lot of thoughts whizzing around, I will go to look at painting. I’m lucky to live in London because we have the National Gallery which is full of inspirational masterpieces. I make a lot of journeys to the collection and always leave with the desire to paint.

2. What is your typical day like?
Coffee. Toast. Studio. Paint. Lunch. Paint. Home. Relax. Sleep. Repeat.

3. How do you manage to stay both personal and original in your creative endeavors?
I find it hard to sustain interests in projects or works that I am not personally invested in. So by highly demanding nature of my attention span, I need to be really interested in what I am making to see it through.

4. What kind of jobs did you have before your career took off
I have been teaching drawing and painting alongside my own practice since I began my studies. This has been a perfect way to keep above water whilst developing my skills, as it is engaging and gives me a chance to think through interacting with others. Simultaneously learning while teaching through seeing what works.

5. What has been your greatest sacrifice that you have made for your art?
I don’t know. I feel like I am so privileged to be in a position to do what I love, I don’t like to think of it in negative terms. I feel most guilty that I have missed out on a lot of social occasions, from meals and drinks to bigger things like family holidays. I’ve had to spend a lot of time teaching evening and weekend courses so that I can be in the studio during the day when I feel most productive. I think your external social life can suffer, and I feel guilty about putting relationships on hold, however it’s not been a sacrifice but a choice.

6. What advice could you give to someone starting out in your field?
Advise. I think you will quickly discover if it’s the right field for you. I don’t think any sensible person would choose to be an artist because it is an easy career path. If it’s in you, you won’t have a choice but to do it, so just work as hard as you can, don’t give up, and believe in yourself.

7. If you could become one of your characters/works of art, which one would you choose? Why?
That painting is yet to come.

8. Any final thoughts/advise/comments/emotional outbursts?
Rome is still one of the most inspiring places I have been. I fell in love with city when I did the RAP and Carole Robb really inspired me and helped me to engage more deeply with the painter within. It was a hugely important month in my development as an artist and I still have so many strong memories of painting in the city.


Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I