
Art, whatever it takes – Interview with Claudia Baez

“Art, whatever it takes”
The RomeArtProgram has interviewed three Artists,
living in Rome, NewYork and London,
to ask about how they’re feeling and how
they’re coping during this time of national emergencies and lock-down isolation.

Claudia Baez – New York – Artist, RAP board Member.

— Where do you live ? And what is your background?
Since 1980, I live in New York City. I was born and raised in Mexico City.

— In your opinion is there a “creative method”?
Yes. I believe in discipline. I believe in “act before you think.” My creative method consists in having all my materials laid out, and then getting into the zone, that “unthinking” place. When I make a painting, I want every mark to come from the unconscious.

— The “lock down moment” can set you on the path of some important change(s) in your creativity and style…Has this happened to you?
I am presently locked down with family, therefore the only change has been to have to enforce even more discipline in order to obtain time to create. I’m only three weeks in, a revelation might be around the corner…hope so!

— What normally inspires you? Which is the most important inspirational source you have found in Rome?
I am inspired by my choice of subject matter. I’m usually working on a series, right now from Brassai. I’m still inspired by his images, they are challenging. I’ve been in conversation with Cindy Sherman and Patti Smith, with their images. I’m always interested in the puzzle that images present.

— Is there a difference in working in Rome for an artist? What art medium do you prefer to work in?
I haven’t worked in Rome. I’m hoping I get invited by the Rome Arts program sometime soon! My preferred medium is oil on canvas.

— Specific events and historical conditions have a significant role in the creative process; how does this pandemic emergency affect the Arts?
I am tempted to paint images from all the empty cities. Haven’t started on that yet. The pandemic emergency is uniting artists, and forcing simplicity upon us. Watch Michael Stipe singing his simple demo song “No Time for Love Like Now” into his phone:

— How are you feeling at this difficult moment and what made you feel this way? …are you optimistic for the future?
I’m stressed, my daughter is 8 months pregnant. I’d like to be optimistic about the future but it’s difficult. Life and death are all too present. I’m trying to be in the here and now, day by day, minute by minute.

— What can Art contribute to history? Will “Art save us”?
Art will persevere, but it will not save us from Donald Trump.

— What is your most ambitious dream?…and the greatest sacrifice that you have made for your Art?
The years I spent at the New York Studio School working under Carole Robb were the greatest sacrifice I made for my art. I went back to school in my 50’s. I left my young kid at home. It was tough.

— Recently, the artistic and cultural message of Italy and Rome was reemerging as a great “work in progress”, …is this your point of view?
Rome will always be one of the greatest works of art in the world. No matter what. You just walk through the city, and discover. Every corner is a new beauty.

— Which is your favorite Italian, or Roman, place(s) of art (Museum, Gallery, Monument…)?
Parco dell’Appia Antica, and everything else!

— Which period of Italian Art do you prefer? What is your favorite Italian work of art?
The Renaissance. Donatello, The Duomo…as a child my mother took us to all the most important art museums in Europe. I had two peak experiences: the first when I saw Michaelangelo’s Slaves in Florence, and the second when I saw Apollo and Daphne at the Galleria Borghese in Rome.

— How has Rome personally influenced you as an artist and a person?
Michelangelo’s prisoners gave me my very first peak experience. I’ve had a few in my life. A peak experience is when you have an out-of-this-world communion with eternity: the past, present and future for a brief moment, coalesce.

— What’s your goal? What role does the artist have in society? Any final thoughts and advice?

Put one foot in front of the other. The only way to survive panic, epidemic, illness, disaster, is one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. Stay present.

#claudiabaez   –   –


The RomeArtProgram is ready to bounce back!


Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I