
A Christmas Message

4155243997_6537756aa5_zWe’re so accustomed to the Holiday season, it comes as a surprise that President Lincoln never gave a Christmas speech – because Christmas didn’t become a national holiday until 1870.

He had his challenges but that wasn’t one of them.

Frank McKinney Hubbard was quick to point out that Next to a circus there ain’t nothing that packs up and tears out faster than the Christmas Spirit.

That caution aside, the Holidays are not so much a date as a state of mind, where one hopes to feel the spirit of the holidays. That means putting aside cynicism and looking past the outward displays of decorations and presents, to the things that went right in 2015 and to the peace and goodwill that could be in 2016.

Here at RAP we recognize all the hard work done this past year by our outstanding Faculty and Administration: Robb Horsley, Jose Grave de Peralta, Fran Middendorf, Steven Meek, Edina Eszenyi, Anthony Lombardi, Nina Eaton,  Serafino Amato, Irene Barberis, Elizabeth Butler and Laura Sessions.

Every year has it’s challenges and RAP’s come through this one strong and full of momentum. We also don’t take our students for granted; we recognize they used their talent and their sense of studio discipline to battle their way through the Roman heat and to emerge with big portfolios of ideas. Everyone matters.

To all of you wherever you are in the world, I wish you Happy Holidays. Party on and if I could give you a gift, it would be the gift of self-respect.

Carole Robb, Artistic Director

Image courtesy of Shandi-Lee Cox via Flickr

Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I