
A Carole Robb painting selected by the US-UK Fulbright Commission for the London Art Collection


The US-UK Fulbright Commission has selected a painting by Carole Robb for their new permanent Art collection in London, titled ‘Villa d’Este’, 60″x60″ – 152x152cms – oil on canvas.
The US-UK Fulbright Commission is a cultural exchange program founded by Senator Fulbright in 1946.   It awards prestigious scholarships to the USA for artists & academics from the UK. Robb is a Fulbright alumnus.
The painting chosen by Fulbright was completed in Rome in 2015. Robb had visited the neo-classical Villa d’Este & saw a woman in a black dress lying on a bench next to a fountain, then the woman showed up again, lying on another bench in the same dramatic pose.
Next day Robb took a model in a black dress & began a series of paintings of her lying on benches
in neo-classsical locations throughout Rome.
The New York art critic Robert Sievert said “…they’re like the films of Antonioni, specially L’Avventura where Monica Vitti searches the Italian coastline looking for her missing friend”.


Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I