
Alumni Spotlight: Lydia Makin

Lydia Makin (RAP 2018; T.A. 2019) is an artist currently based in Nottingham, U.K.. She completed her B.A. at the Slade School of Fine Art in 2020. She was a student with RAP in 2018 and returned as a T.A. in 2019.

RomeArtProgram: How did your time with RAP influence your work?
: My experience on RAP ignited my fascination with the flamboyant nature of things; the baroque and the neoclassical. The programme was a wonderous opportunity to visit numerous locations in Rome and create drawings from observation. I was captivated by the grandiose nature of the water fountains outside the Vatican, and in Tivoli. The sensation of the water made me contemplate how this might correspond to the feeling of making a stroke when painting. This matched my interest in gesture, impulsivity and big painting. After seeing the Caravaggio’s in Villa Borghese, I was also struck by the power that can be generated through sharp contrast and black backdrops.

RAP: What was your favorite place in Rome and why?
: My most treasured place in Rome is Piazza Navona, the strength and vitality of the water fountains never fail to overwhelm me. I once painted a very special watercolour of the juxtaposed figures and shapes of Bernini’s central fountain. The artwork I produced was purchased by someone with whom I was introduced, and they have become a great love.

RAP: What are you working on now? What are your hopes for the future?
: I am currently weaving between abstraction and figuration within my painting practice. With regard to the future, once covid restrictions are eased, I will be going to Florida to produce a body of work for a show.

RAP: What has been your biggest art success since studying in Rome?
: Since studying in Rome, I would say a big moment for me was being part of a group exhibition ‘Circa’ (2020) where my painting ‘Submerged in a Forest Bath’ was broadcast on Piccadilly lights in attempt to bring urgent hope and change

RAP: What is your advice for future RAP students?
: RAP is the perfect opportunity to fully indulge in all Rome has to offer. Allow what you see to sink into your bloodstream, allow it to become a part of you.       @lydiamakinart

Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I