
Faculty Works: Frances Middendorf

Frances1Faculty member Frances Middendorf is participating in a group show at the National Arts Club in Gramercy, New York City.

The show is the 117th Annual Exhibiting Artist members Exhibition and runs from February 29 until March 26.

In 1906 The National Arts Club celebrated its new headquarters on Gramercy Park with an exhibition of American paintings belonging to member and collector William T. Evans. A successful businessman and renowned collector, Evans, as the Club’s Art Committee chair, was instrumental in creating the Artist Life Membership Program and establishing the annual exhibition we now know as the Exhibiting Artist Members Exhibition.

Why not stop by the show if you’re in New York? If you aren’t in town then you can take a look at Frances’ work on her website

For further information regarding the show visit the National Arts Club website.

Rome Art Program I 393 Canal Street, Ste. 124, New York, NY 10013 I