Alumni Spotlight:

Caitlin Harhai

Caitlin Harhai (RAP 2021) is a Pittsburgh-based artist and currently a student at Virginia Tech, pursuing a B.S. in Industrial Design and Visual Art Minor. She has always had a passion for expressing herself through art, using mediums such as acrylic, graphite, charcoal, and watercolor.

Rome Art Program: How did your time with RAP influence your work?

Caitlin: Usually, I work on multiple pieces at the same time, and I can take up to a month to finish one painting or drawing. The busy streets of Rome put me completely out of my element, but it is where I experienced the most growth in my ability to produce quality work in a short amount of time. I learned to take advantage of watercolor to quickly capture scenes, and some of the paintings that I spent the least amount of time on ended up being my favorite.

RAP: What was your favorite place in Rome and why?

Caitlin: My favorite place in Rome is the Orange Gardens, or the Giardino degli Aranci, which is a beautiful garden of orange trees with one of the best views overlooking Rome. It was such a peaceful place to paint.

RAP: What are you working on now? What are your hopes for the future?

Caitlin: I am mainly focusing on my Industrial Design degree, which includes lots of product development and sketching classes. On my own, I have a little sketchbook where I try to draw something other than technical designs every day.

RAP: What has been your biggest art success since studying in Rome?

Caitlin: In Rome, I fell in love with creating art again, which is something that I had forgotten about after putting societal expectations before my own passions. This personal realization was definitely my biggest art success, and helped influence my decision to switch my minor from Business to Visual Art.

RAP: What is your advice for future RAP students?

Caitlin: Take advantage of the fact that you are a quick train ride away from so many other cities in Italy! Some of my best memories were when I traveled to Florence and Venice to see art galleries with my RAP friends.
